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Planning reform should favour housebuilding and real long-term value for residents

Fiona Fletcher-Smith agrees with Keir Starmer’s remarks on planning reform and advocates for more housebuilding to solve the housing crisis

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Picture: Alamy
Picture: Alamy

.@LQHomesMatter’s Fiona Fletcher-Smith agrees with Keir Starmer’s remarks on planning reform and advocates for more housebuilding to solve the housing crisis #UKhousing

Affordable housing, or the lack thereof, has been consistently high on everyone’s agenda, whether you own your own home, you rent, or you are in temporary accommodation or on the housing waiting list for years on end.

Housebuilding and the delivery of genuinely affordable homes is the only way to tackle the housing crisis. However, at present, development of these much-needed homes is hindered by a planning system that is unambitious and under-resourced.

At L&Q we were very encouraged to hear Sir Keir Starmer’s remarks about ‘backing builders’ with a view to boost housebuilding. This is a great first step in the right direction, provided it is also backed by the support local planning authorities need in order to join in our vision for truly ambitious regeneration.

We support Labour’s commitment to take on planning reform, by bringing back local housing targets and investing in infrastructure, which often acts as a catalyst for good development.


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When done right, in a planning environment that encourages good growth, placemaking and real change that works for everyone, housebuilding and regeneration can deliver value beyond numbers. They can create something that cannot necessarily be counted or defined, but that allows residents to take pride in their homes and their community.

House builders, and especially affordable housing providers such as L&Q, need the reassurance of working with well-resourced local planning authorities, with a view for long-term ambitious plans and solutions.

“When done right, in a planning environment that encourages good growth, placemaking and real change that works for everyone, housebuilding and regeneration can deliver value beyond numbers”

We found this at one of our flagship developments, Barking Riverside, in a long-term partnership with the local authority at Barking & Dagenham, but most importantly with the mayor of London, who joined forces with us in a partnership of equals, led by social purpose, commercial drive and patient capital.

A groundbreaking development delivering more than 10,000 new homes in east London, including a wide breadth of affordable homes, Barking Riverside is a place like no other – with more than 90% of L&Q homes sold to first-time buyers, allowing hundreds of people to place their foot on the property ladder for the first time.

Our partnership approach and shared vision with the local planning authorities has allowed us to deliver a series of ‘game changers’ together. As the capital’s only ‘healthy new town’, Barking Riverside is being built around integrated health and well-being principles, with services set to include a GP surgery, sports facilities, open spaces and parkland.

Included in the overall masterplan is also provision for seven schools, with five already open. There are also two private nurseries and a preschool on site.

“As the capital’s only ‘healthy new town’, Barking Riverside is being built around integrated health and well-being principles”

A good planning system and support from public sector partners has also allowed us to deliver hundreds of millions of investment in local infrastructure and connectivity, including delivering a new overground station, an Uber Boat by Thames Clippers Pier, as well as a network of cycle paths, a new cycle store and new bus routes.

Residents and visitors using the new interchange now benefit from significantly quicker, greener and easier journeys. 

This is the real value of a good planning system, which favours both housebuilding and the delivery of genuinely affordable housing, but also long-term real value for communities and residents. Planning reform is a good first step in that direction and we encourage all political parties to be ambitious in their approach.

Fiona Fletcher-Smith, chief executive, L&Q

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