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Housing associations will play a fundamental role in getting the country through the challenges ahead

Like the rest of the country, housing associations face a tough few months. But the sector is already doing amazing work and this will continue, writes Kate Henderson

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Llke the rest of the country, housing associations face a tough few months. But the sector is already doing amazing work and this will continue, writes @KateNHF #ukhouisng

Housing associations will play a fundamental role in getting the country through the challenges ahead, writes @KateNHF #ukhousing

Today housing associations across the country are coming together to affirm their role in supporting the nation through this unprecedented crisis.

We’ve published a sector-wide statement, endorsed by every part of our movement, which captures and communicates the work housing associations are doing to support hundreds of thousands of residents impacted by coronavirus.

It has been so inspiring to see housing associations doing huge amounts to support residents and staff over the past few weeks as we come to terms with the impact of the outbreak.

Many supported housing providers have been on the frontline caring for people with coronavirus, including those at the end of life.

Other housing associations have been finding homes for NHS staff, while others have been finding somewhere for people on the streets to stay in a matter of days. Others are bridging the financial gap for people waiting to receive benefits by setting up charitable funds so people can pay for energy and food.


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All of this work is happening in an incredibly challenging and uncertain environment.

Staff have been adapting to home-working where possible, while staff who work face to face with residents have been implementing social distancing as well as working in personal protective equipment.

Today’s statement builds on the compassionate, supportive approach housing associations take during normal times.

“We know we can’t do this alone and that we are going to need strong relationships with, and support from, government as well as other key partners”

However, we know that during a crisis like this it’s even more important that we clearly communicate the work housing associations do – to residents, to the public as well as to politicians and other key partners.

At the National Housing Federation, we know it is going to be tough for housing associations to get through this health and economic crisis.

We know just how challenging the coming days, weeks and months are going to be for organisations trying to keep services running and people safe. We know we can’t do this alone and that we are going to need strong relationships with, and support from, government as well as other key partners.

We continue to stay in close communication with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), No 10 and other key partners ensuring the challenges the sector face are heard and acted on.

Last week, after hearing from our members that a number of housing roles were not classified as essential workers, we worked with MHCLG to get much-needed clarity.

The government has said it will do “whatever it takes” to help people and organisations get through this crisis, and it’s positive to see that so far it is indeed listening and engaging with the challenges we face.

“It is clear that housing associations, from the large general needs providers to small specialist organisations, will play a fundamental role in helping our society get through this time”

It is clear we are only at the beginning of this global pandemic and that the country and communities we work in are already changing in profound ways.

It is clear that housing associations, from the large general needs providers to small specialist organisations, will play a fundamental role in helping our society get through this time – whether by housing homeless people, caring for those who are ill, contacting older people in social isolation or being compassionate to those who are struggling.

I’m more proud than ever to work in this sector and to be talking to government on behalf of organisations doing amazing work on the frontline of this unprecedented crisis in so many ways.

Kate Henderson, chief executive, National Housing Federation

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