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How we developed our new customer promise

The Together with Tenants charter paved the way for a new customer promise at Home Group. Mark Henderson explains how the process took shape

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How we developed our new customer promise, by @MarkGHenderson of @HomeGroup #ukhousing

Our new customer promise has been shaped by tenants and will be evaluated by them, writes @MarkGHenderson of @HomeGroup #ukhousing

“This isn’t about new-fangled, extraordinary, the next big thing. It’s about doing the ordinary and the expected, and doing them well.” @MarkGHenderson on Together with Tenants and Home Group’s new customer promise #ukhousing

The NHF’s ‘Together with Tenants’ charter will, I’ve no doubt, prove to be an invaluable asset on our journey of continuous self-improvement, and Home Group was pleased to be one of the very early adopters.

In the two months since its launch, the charter has attracted more than 100 adopters – adopters of significantly differing sizes and from varying regions, which is a good indication of its universal appeal.

This is our chance to collaborate, as a sector and with our customers, to create a shared understanding of what is expected of us and to make sure we can stand together, confident that we are consistently delivering on the commitments in the charter.

As I said when it was launched, this is not just about our customer service - although getting this right is fundamental.


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It’s about the relationships we have and those we build, and the level of trust which underpins these. Our customers have the right to a good relationship with us.

However, a relationship is a very personal thing and this doesn’t look the same to every customer or organisation. We all recognise a one-size-fits-all approach has certain limitations.

But what the Together with Tenants approach does is set a level of expectation that housing associations should live up to and which should help drive the whole sector forward, while making sure it is flexible enough to be right for individual organisations and customers.

“We all recognise a one-size-fits-all approach has certain limitations”

What’s great to see is so many housing associations taking part in the pilot. This means we’ll be able to learn lessons and embed the great bits and, if we all agree, perhaps adapt those bits that aren’t quite right, to ensure we meet that expectation, while building in enough flexibility.

What’s been really good for us at Home Group is that the charter has made us challenge ourselves and look at how we can improve our own customer promise. This has led us to a series of in-depth conversations with our customers about our relationship with them.

It became apparent in those conversations that if our customer promise was going to continue to be the foundation for building strong and effective relationships, then it needed to be adapted.

Essentially, our customers felt it needed updating. And they were right.

Those conversations have led us to where we are today. We now have a new improved customer promise – one we launched this week.

We have engaged hundreds of our customers – from Somerset to Dundee and Cumbria to East Anglia. It has been challenging at times, but then it should have been. We went back and forth a lot to ensure the new promise would be fit-for-purpose. It is, and that is down to a true co-production.

It’s a promise which has been shaped by our customers, and one which will be assessed and evaluated by them.

It’s a promise which reflects not only our diverse and distinct customer base, but the considerable change as an organisation, and as a sector, we have gone through in the past few years.

The fundamentals of the promise stay in place. However, the new amendments further increase our commitment to our customers, and improve our customers’ ability to question and challenge us; shape our activity and hold us to account.

We now have six standards by which customers can do that – ranging from providing a safe place to live, and delivering a reliable repairs service, to working with partners for greater customer support.

“This isn’t about new-fangled, extraordinary, the next big thing. It’s about doing the ordinary and the expected, and doing them well”

Sitting underneath each standard is a set of three commitments by which customers can clearly see, and measure our performance.

Nothing ground-breaking or out of the ordinary, I hear you say. And that is precisely the point. This is what our customers have asked of us. Our challenge now is to deliver.

They want to feel safe; they want us to be reliable; they want us to care; they want to feel part of a community; they want to know what we invest in and they want better connections to partner support.

These are pretty ordinary requests, but hugely important and massively impactful if we get it right.

To get it right, it will take every one of us within the organisation, and those within our partner organisations, to be pretty extraordinary at times.

We’ll all need to step into our customers’ shoes, however fleetingly, to understand how we need to perform in order to meet their expectations.

Ultimately, however, for us to be successful and to live up to our customer promise it is also going to need input from our customers.

We now have in place a clarity of purpose, yardsticks by which to be measured and a wide range of tools, activities and opportunities to allow engagement to hold us to account, including access to our board.

I’m sure, given the level of commitment the hundreds of our customers have shown in helping to shape our promise to date, they will show the same level to ensure we deliver.

Already, the Together with Tenants charter has played an important part in giving us an opportunity to further enhance our relationship with our customers. I suspect it will help many more do the same.

Mark Henderson, chief executive, Home Group

At a glance: the NHF’s Together with Tenants plan

At a glance: the NHF’s Together with Tenants plan

Together with Tenants is a draft plan drawn up by the National Housing Federation (NHF) with the “aim of creating a stronger, more balanced relationship with tenants and residents”. As of 13 March, 86 associations had signed up to it.

The NHF says a stronger relationship is needed after questions were raised following the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017.

The aim of the plan is to introduce new expectations at board level; set clear commitments for tenants and residents; and give tenants and residents a louder voice, a stronger rule in scrutiny and more influence locally and nationally. It also aims to “provide a clear link to regulation”.

The plan proposes four actions:

  1. A new requirement in the NHF’s code of governance for boards to be accountable to their tenants and residents
  2. A new Together with Tenants charter setting out what tenants and residents can expect from their housing association landlord
  3. Tenant and resident oversight and scrutiny of the charter, with a report on how their landlord is doing against the charter commitments
  4. A closer link with regulation

The housing associations signed up to Together with Tenants

As of 13 March, 86 housing associations had already volunteered to be early adopters of the Together with Tenants plan. They are:

  1. Accent Group
  2. Accord
  3. Alpha Living
  4. Anchor Hanover
  5. Arawak Walton
  6. Arhag
  7. Aspire Housing
  8. Beyond Housing
  9. Black Country Housing Group
  10. Bolton at Home
  11. Broadacres
  12. Broadland Housing Association
  13. Byker Community Trust
  14. Calico Homes
  15. Clarion
  16. Coastline
  17. Colne
  18. Community Gateway Association Preston
  19. Connexus
  20. Cotman Housing Association
  21. County Durham Housing Group
  22. Derwent Living
  23. EMH Group
  24. English Rural
  25. Estuary Housing
  26. Gateway Housing
  27. Gentoo
  28. Gloucester City Homes
  29. Great Places Housing Group
  30. Greenfields Community Housing
  31. Hastoe
  32. Home Group
  33. Incommunities
  34. Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association
  35. Johnnie Johnson Housing
  36. Lincolnshire Housing Partnership
  37. LiveWest
  38. Livin
  39. Living+
  40. Luminus Group
  41. L&Q
  42. Manningham Housing
  43. Metropolitan Thames Valley
  44. Mosscare St Vincent's Housing
  45. Network Homes
  46. North Star
  47. Ocean Housing Group
  48. One Housing Group
  49. Ongo
  50. Onward
  51. Optivo
  52. Orbit
  53. Origin Housing
  54. Peter Bedford Housing Association
  55. Phoenix Community Housing
  56. Places for People
  57. Plymouth Community Homes
  58. Radcliffe Housing Association
  59. Radian
  60. Raven Housing Trust
  61. Riverside
  62. Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
  63. Rooftop
  64. Rosebery Housing Association
  65. Settle
  66. SHAL Housing
  67. Shepherd's Bush Housing Group
  68. Soha Housing
  69. South Lakes Housing
  70. South Western Housing Society
  71. South Yorkshire Housing Association
  72. Sovereign
  73. Stonewater
  74. Suffolk Housing
  75. The Community Housing Group
  76. The Pioneer Group
  77. The Wrekin Housing Trust
  78. Together Housing Group
  79. Torus Group
  80. Trent and Dove
  81. Wakefield and District Housing
  82. WATMOS
  83. Women's Pioneer Housing
  84. Wythenshawe Community Housing Group
  85. Yarlington
  86. Yorkshire Housing
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