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From the frontline - Lauren Picton

Genesis volunteer manager Lauren Picton on how she helps residents get back into work and why she’s secretly hoping for a royal wedding…

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Tell us about your job.

I work in the Genesis Connect volunteer and employment team. We help residents sustain tenancies through employment and improve their well-being by volunteering. I also help residents under 25 find jobs and apprenticeships. Some people on our Volunteer into Employment Programme now work at Genesis.

What’s the biggest challenge you face?

Catering to everyone’s needs and helping them overcome barriers. To do this, we deliver a tailored service through a range of programmes. Our Volunteer for Well-Being Programme aims to increase engagement and reduce social isolation, particularly within care and support.

What makes a good volunteer?

Many people have lots of untapped skills and life experience and just need to show what they can do. After a few months of volunteering, the majority of people on Genesis’ volunteer programme find jobs and many champion the programmes to other unemployed residents, so it’s a virtuous circle.

Why housing?

I came into the sector accidentally, but have always been interested in helping people. I initially wanted to be a social worker but didn’t want to do further studies so I worked as a money advisor in a legal centre while volunteering at Citizens Advice Camden in the evenings. I saw hundreds of people in financial crisis at the height of the credit crunch. At Genesis we’re giving residents the tools they need to sustain themselves and their families.

What would you change about the sector if you could?

More social housing for rent and more housing options for different income levels. It’s really important to help people progress into different tenure types, such as shared ownership, as their circumstances improve. But this should be done positively through incentives and options at different pricing levels.

What’s the most private thing you’d admit to colleagues?

Erm… I have a slight crush on Prince Harry.

You’re prime minister for a day. What do you do?

I’d give a pay rise to everyone in the emergency services, NHS and schools. They deserve it!


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