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From the frontline - Peter Helly

Accord Group’s community development manager on partnership, punctures and (non) Premier League football

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What does your job involve?

I encourage community partners to collaborate at strategic and frontline levels. My job is varied: in the morning I might be with partner organisations talking about housing and well-being; in the afternoon I might be supporting someone with multiple complex needs; and in the evening I might be running a tenant community event.

How did you get into housing?

In the 1990s, I had a placement with Sandwell Council’s environmental team. Once I graduated I worked at Adur District Council as a Right to Buy officer. I’ve covered many roles since then.

Has the role of the sector changed over time?

The part of the Accord Group I work for was set up after local people watched Cathy Come Home and were shocked by what they saw. They bought one house in Moseley, Birmingham, then built up the portfolio of properties that I help manage today. We must remember it is those in need who are our priority.

What’s the best thing about your job?

I have the opportunity to work with and support people. I also support partner organisations and together we achieve real outcomes.

And the most challenging?

The extreme cuts to housing and related sectors can only result in losing key community services.  

What does a good day look like?

Working in the community, and seeing real positive environmental changes.

How about a bad one?

Running a food bank and seeing record numbers attend yet again.

What is your dream job?

Being a successful Aston Villa manager. Seems unlikely for quite a few reasons right now!

What would your superpower be and why?

To create a couple more of me so I could get through my to-do list.

What’s the most private thing you’d be willing to admit to colleagues?

I went on a ‘Free Nelson Mandela’ charity bike ride in Brighton in the 1980s. A combination of a puncture and bad sense of direction saw me hobble home having only completed a few miles of the course but quite a few more miles of the Sussex countryside!

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