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Glasgow asylum deal terminated

Hundreds of asylum seekers in Glasgow will have to be rehoused after the government terminated its contract with Glasgow Council to provide them accommodation.

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The UK Border Agency says it has failed to reach an agreement with the local authority over charges for the service, which it says were already the ‘highest accommodation charges in the UK outside London’.

Glasgow Council was informed via email on Friday last week that its contract would end on February 2 next year.

The local authority says this will affect the 1,300 asylum seekers it currently houses. And charity Scottish Refugee Council say many of the concerned asylum seekers have been ‘pouring into our office’ for help.

John Wilkes, chief executive for Scottish Refugee Council, said: ‘Many of these people have fled traumatic situations involving persecution, torture and violence and have already faced a great deal of uncertainty while waiting for the outcome of their asylum claim. Based on previous experience, these situations are best handled when information is clearly communicated.’

Glasgow Council has been providing housing and support services for asylum seekers for 10 years. A spokesperson said: ‘It’s a matter of great regret that UKBA has terminated its contract for the council to receive asylum seekers.

‘Asylum seekers have brought welcome diversity to the city and added new life to many of our communities.’

He explained that with a drop in the number of asylum seekers coming to Glasgow it was not financially viable for the council to continue.

‘We can’t subsidise another public body as they seek to fulfil their legal duties,’ he explained. ‘A local authority would be acting beyond its powers if it did so. We also cannot compromise on the standard of our service.’

He said although it was the UKBA’s responsibility to find the asylum seekers alternative accommodation, it would do all it could to ensure a ‘smooth hand-over’.

A spokesperson for the UKBA said, in the face of current cuts to government budgets, it could not continue to pay Glasgow council’s high charges.

Phil Taylor, regional director of the UKBA in Scotland and Northern Ireland said: ‘We have been unable to reach agreement with Glasgow Council on the costs of housing asylum seekers despite the UKBA offering an increase on what are, already, the highest accommodation charges in the UK outside London.

‘We will work with our two other providers to ensure that all asylum seekers currently housed under contract with Glasgow council continue to be properly accommodated while their asylum claims are considered and their appeals to the courts are concluded.’

The two other providers are the YMCA Glasgow and the Angel Group. Charity groups have expressed doubt they will be able to offer enough accommodation.


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