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Hackney mayor named Khan planning tsar

The mayor of an east London borough has been appointed to Sadiq Khan’s top team as lead for planning and regeneration.

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Jules Pipe has been named deputy mayor for planning, regeneration and skills, and will work on delivering major regeneration schemes in the capital.

He will stand down as mayor of Hackney, where he was first elected in 2002, and chair of the umbrella group London Councils next month.

He replaces former Wandsworth Council leader Sir Eddie Lister, recently named chair of the Homes and Communities Agency, who filled the role under Boris Johnson’s tenure as London mayor.

Mr Khan said: “Jules Pipe brings to City Hall extensive knowledge of the capital, and the key challenges it faces.  

“He and I share a determination to ensure London’s prosperity is shared by all Londoners, and that we plan ahead to equip the city for its future economic, infrastructure, skills and housing needs.”

Mr Pipe added: “It is vital we use all the levers of City Hall to pursue a vision for the capital that delivers all its key needs, including a much-needed increase in housing, and that development is planned to provide the widest benefit. Young Londoners must be given the skills needed to access all the opportunities available to them in our great city.”

He joins former Islington Council cabinet member for housing James Murray, who is deputy mayor for housing in Mr Khan’s team.



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