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London’s largest associations built almost half the capital’s affordable housing

The G15, a group of London’s largest housing associations, built 44% of the capital’s new affordable housing in the year to March 2018.

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Picture: Getty
Picture: Getty

London’s largest housing associations built 44% of new affordable homes in the capital last year #ukhousing

Figures released by the group reveal that its members built more than 11,000 homes in London and the South East in that period, including 5,534 affordable homes in the capital.

This amounts to 44% of all new affordable housing started on site in London during this period, which saw more affordable housing funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA) than in any other financial year since 2010/11.

Paul Hackett, chief executive of London housing association Optivo and chair of the G15, said: “We’re proud of the work our members and their partners have put in over the past year to deliver thousands of new affordable homes for Londoners.

“We know there is much more we need to do to tackle the housing crisis in London and we’re determined to build as many affordable homes as we can in the year to come.”

The G15 group collectively owns and manages 550,000 homes and has secured £1.4bn of funding from the GLA to start almost 42,000 affordable homes in London by 2021.

These funds were secured under Sadiq Khan’s Affordable Homes Programme, which has allocated £1.7bn of funding so far and is expected to announce a further round of allocations in June.

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