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Morning Briefing: stamp duty reforms ‘help 4,000 a week’

Stamp duty cuts announced in the Autumn Budget are helping 4,000 first-time buyers a week, Theresa May has claimed

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Morning Briefing: stamp duty reforms “help 4,000 a week” #ukhousing

Morning Briefing: stamp duty reforms “will push up prices”, says Labour #ukhousing

Morning Briefing: former home secretary talks social housing #ukhousing

In the news

The prime minister has said 16,000 people have already saved money on their stamp duty since the changes were unveiled in November, reports The Telegraph and others.

First-time buyers will pay no stamp duty on homes worth up to £300,000, or on the first £300,000 of those worth up to £500,000.

Ms May said she has made it her “personal mission” to “restore the dream of homeownership” for people around the UK.

But Labour said cutting stamp duty without an increase in affordable housebuilding “will only drive up prices”.

Elsewhere, Channel 4 News has interviewed former Labour home secretary Alan Johnson about social housing in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.

Mr Johnson grew up in North Kensington, near to where the tower was later built.

And finally, The Guardian runs an opinion piece by James Gregory, an academic at the University of Birmingham. Mr Gregory says the government should end its focus on boosting homeownership, pointing to research by his team that shows social renters are just as happy as owner-occupiers.

On social media

Twitter users have been paying tribute to former Chartered Institute of Housing London chair Brian Queen, who passed away before Christmas:

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