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GLA plan to curb food handouts

Pret a Manger vows to continue to give unsold food to rough sleepers

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Sandwich chain Pret a Manger may face calls to curtail its food handouts to homeless people under a plan being considered by the London mayor.

The company vowed to keep providing free food to rough sleepers after minutes from Boris Johnson’s rough sleeping group, obtained by Inside Housing under the Freedom of Information Act, revealed the Greater London Authority is considering launching a campaign that would flag to the chain and other businesses the ‘unintended consequences’ of giving food to homeless people.

The suggestion was put forward by a representative from Camden Council at the November meeting but the GLA said it would ‘explore [the] scope’ of such a campaign.

The group met again to discuss the proposal on Wednesday as Inside Housing went to press.

The practice of handing out food to rough sleepers has drawn criticism from councils because they believe it encourages homeless people to stay out on the street and attracts antisocial behaviour.

Waltham Forest Council, in east London, is facing a judicial review in February after asking homelessness food charity Christian Kitchen to move out of the town centre and into a busy lay-by.

Croydon Nightwatch, a soup kitchen in south London, also says it faces being forced to move by Croydon Council after allegations from the police that it is a ‘hub’ for ASB.

A spokesperson for Pret a Manger said: ‘We believe it is better that our unsold food goes to people who really need it at the end of the day, and not in the bin. Providing food and support to those who are [homeless] is something we believe is the right thing to do.’

The company, which gives 12,000 meals a day to homeless people in London, says it donates food to charities and hostels.

It has a contract with homelessness charity the Simon Community, which gives its sandwiches to rough sleepers.


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