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Morning Briefing: rise in households moved away from local areas

The housing crisis is under the media’s magnifying glass as more families than ever are moved out of their local areas

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Morning Briefing: families moving away from local areas

In the news

An investigation by BBC Radio 5 Live has revealed that the number of families being moved out of their local area after being made homeless has risen by 59% in the past five years.

Southwark Council came top of the list of councils moving families into temporary accommodation outside the borough, but the problem, according to information obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, is not limited to London.

The Telegraph, meanwhile, has an interview with housing guru Dame Kate Barker, who warns that her widely used housing target of around 250,000 homes a year will probably never be met and calls on government to tackle demand-side issues as well.

It also has a piece going through the prime minister’s recent housing announcements, with mixed responses.

The Guardian’s economics editor, Larry Elliott, gives his five steps to fix the UK’s housing market, as the paper reports falls in rents outside London during the busy summer months for the first time since 2011.

Over the weekend, fire safety continued to concern councils around the country, with many telling the BBC that their funding requests for necessary repairs are being denied.

On social media

Ms Barker’s comments have caused quite a splash on Twitter:

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