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MPs launch social care inquiry

MPs have launched an inquiry to scrutinise the financial stability and quality of adult social care.

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The Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee will examine whether the funding available for adult social care is sufficient for local authorities to fulfil their statutory obligations.

It will also analyse the impact of policies including the National Living Wage – which providers have warned could have a severe impact on the sustainability of care services.

Many housing associations are engaged by local authorities to provide aspects of adult social care through their care and support businesses.

Clive Betts, chair of the CLG Committee and Labour MP, said: “Adult social care provides a lifeline to some of the most vulnerable people in society but is coming under increasing pressure as a result of growing demand and declining local authority budgets.

“Our inquiry will look at the financial sustainability of this care and support to see what can be done to allow councils to continue to meet their legal obligations for future generations.”

The inquiry will also explore the role of carers and look at alternative funding models for financing and providing care.

Evidence can be submitted via the committees website by 19 August.

The committee will also invite local authorities, care providers and government ministers to give evidence at public sessions on yet to be determined dates.


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