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Scottish law to end right-to-buy

The Scottish Government has confirmed that it intends to legislate to end the right-to-buy in the country.

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In a document setting out the legislative priorities for the 12 months the government said: ‘Over the coming year, we will consult on draft legislation to safeguard Scotland’s stock of social housing for future generations and to ensure that the stock is managed to deliver improved value for tenants and taxpayers.’

However a housing bill is not among the list of 15 that have been announced by first minister Alex Salmond. Instead the government intends to consult on a draft housing bill over the next year.

The document states: ‘Our draft housing bill will outline provisions for achieving these objectives by ending right-to-buy on all new social housing and by modernising the powers of the Scottish Housing Regulator.

‘Subject to the outcome of our current policy review, the bill could also contain provisions for a wider reform of our right-to-buy, when it is introduced in 2009/10.’

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