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Developer could seek HA partner on new 380-home London scheme

Developer Inland Homes has secured planning approval for a 380-home mixed-use scheme in east London and could be seeking a housing association partner on the project. 

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The homes will be built across three newly built blocks on a 1,135 square metre industrial site
The homes will be built across three newly built blocks on a 1,135 square metre industrial site

Developer Inland Homes has secured planning approval for a 380-home mixed-use scheme in east London and could be seeking a housing association partner on the project #UKhousing

The homes will be built across three newly built blocks on a 1,135 square metre industrial site, which forms the main northern forecourt to Dagenham Dock station.

As part of the Section 106 agreement, 35% of homes will be classed as affordable. This will include 76 units at London Affordable Rent and 27 for shared ownership, subject to the Section 106 being signed.


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Inland Homes said the location is “attractive” for build-to-rent operators and housing associations.

“A decision on whether the project will be delivered by Inland Homes directly or via a partnership contract will be announced in due course,” the company said.

Building work on the scheme is expected to start in 2022.

Inland has struck a number of other deals with housing associations. Earlier this month, the company announced that it had sold 228 plots on a scheme in Walthamstow to London-based housing association Newlon for £22.5m.

Inland is already working with Clarion in Dagenham on a project to build 325 homes at Merrielands Crescent.

The developer has also submitted two other planning applications in the borough, for 364 units and around 2,500 square metres of commercial space across two sites. A decision on the two applications is expected early next year, Inland said.

Stephen Wicks, chief executive of Inland Homes, said: “We look forward to working with the borough on the delivery of the strategically important Dagenham Dock development as well as further schemes in the area.”

Elsewhere in the borough, Peabody agreed a deal earlier this year to build more than 1,550 affordable homes on the 45-acre site of the former Ford Dagenham stamping plant.

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