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Housing Day

Housing staff and tenants will soon be taking to social media to celebrate the positive impact of social housing, says Adrian Capon

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Brexit has produced a period of uncertainty and economic paralysis the likes of which we have never seen before. Now more than ever our tenants, communities and organisations need to pull together.

“Nothing could be more important than focusing on our customers in these uncertain times.”

This year’s #HousingDay theme is connecting with our communities. It means demonstrating how we listen and engage with customers or tenants – in their communities. Nothing could be more important than focusing on our customers in these uncertain times.   

#HousingDay is a national 24-hour social media event to celebrate the positive impact of social housing on thousands of tenants and those working in UK housing. Now in its fourth year, it’s become a regular part of the calendar.  

On 19 September, can we take this level of engagement to the next level and get thousands more tenants and frontline staff having and sharing their conversations? I’m looking to be audacious and create the biggest UK housing chat day ever – connecting people in their communities up and down the country.

One of social media’s biggest strengths is its unparalleled ways to reach out, to engage in two-way conversations and connect people with each other. And now through Facebook live, Periscope video or 140 characters on Twitter you can broadcast and share these. Whether your events are all day, face-to-face or using social media – you can share them in multiple ways. By using #HousingDay we’ll be able to connect and see live simulcast activities across the UK.

Yorkshire Housing tenant Dave Perry said: “I first got involved with Twitter engagement using the #housingdaychat event last year. As a tenant board member and chair of our customer services committee, it’s vital we actively listen to our customers. Housing Day can provide an opportunity to try something different to engage with tenants.”

Housing Day can help share stories about how tenants are engaged.

Cynon Taf tenant Liz Holman aged 19 said: “I really love my home, it gives me a safe place to live and raise my young son which is the most important thing to me. I’m proud to be involved with Cynon Taf taking advantage of lots of opportunities. I’m pleased to be part of the Young Tenant Academy, we’re like a family.”

Cottsway Housing Association tenant Leslie Channon said: “Becoming involved with Housing Day has changed my life. It enabled me to move beyond the shame and stigma I felt being a social housing tenant. Before my involvement in Housing Day I was unconsciously trying to run away or hide. I was a social housing tenant but my involvement in Housing Day has empowered and encouraged me with an inner confidence to share who I am – it is no longer a scary thing.”

Harry Woodward, an Edinburgh Council tenant who works at Dunedin Canmore HA (Wheatley Group) housing worker and TPAS Scotland board member, said: “I see Housing Day as a great opportunity for tenants/customers and staff to get together and share their ideas and information. Conversations they have in communities can help foster a ‘partnership’ approach with customers, helping to solve our challenges.”

This year #HousingDay kicks off on Housing Week, 19 – 23 September, organised by the National Housing Federation. It will be a week of activities highlighting the difference we make to communities.

You can help join the collaboration – follow or get in touch with @housingday on Twitter.  

Adrian Capon, communications team, Yorkshire Housing


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